Produkt 43

Tubex Nature VentexTM

Fiberweb Geosynthetics Ltd. – Tubex


Kurzbeschreibung des Herstellers:

Incorporating all the proven features of Tubex VentexTM  tree shelters, with ventilation holes designed to improve growing conditions in warmer environments, Tubex has developed a soil biodegradable version: Tubex Nature VentexTM

Worin besteht der innovative Charakter des Produktes gegenüber dem bisherigen Stand der Technik? (Abgrenzung zu Mitbewerbern)

Angaben des Herstellers:

Tubex Nature Ventex, and the wider Tubex Nature tree shelter range is an innovative, protective and scalable biodegradable solution made from a soil biodegradable material designed for hard-to-reach areas or planting projects where collection and recycling of shelters after use is not possible.

By manufacturing biodegradable tree shelters using the same proven process as PP tree shelters, customers are assured both of superior protection and growth compared to cardboard or wooden alternatives, and the scalability to deliver the volumes required. Alternatives in the market often compromise performance in their design, such as the longevity and protection of the product, or the ever-important tree shelter features to improve sapling growth like light transmission.

Tubex Nature™ innovative biodegradable technology is manufactured from a bio-based blend, including sugarcane, corn and starch. This means it can be left to biodegrade in situ and will, over time, start to degrade and breakdown into water and CO2 through a microbiological process.

The product has been externally tested according to ISO 17556 to demonstrate biodegradability in soil. They are also non-toxic, externally tested according to OECD 207 and 208.

Further independent tests with Dutch-based Wageningen Food & Biobased Research also demonstrated biodegradability both *in* and *on* soil at ambient temperatures, recreating more accurately the natural environment tree shelters will biodegrade in – considering both scenarios, where the tree shelters are buried *in* the soil to biodegrade and also when they are left to biodegrade *on* the soil.

Tubex is partnering with Wageningen Food & Biobased Research to continuously improve the product’s performance by testing different biodegradable materials to find the most suitable to ensure both effective protection and biodegradation in nature.

Das Besondere an diesem Produkt:

a) Merkmale / Vorteile
b) Kundennutzen, Auswirkungen auf Gebrauchswert
c) Betriebswirtschaft
d) Arbeitsschutz
e) Nachhaltigkeit/Umweltschutz

Angaben des Herstellers:

  1. a) Features / advantages
  2. b) Customer benefits, effects on utility value
  3. c) Business management
  4. d) Occupational safety
  5. e) sustainability/environmental protection


Other than the innovative biodegradable material technology, Tubex Ventex Nature has a special tree shelter design with beneficial features for tree survival and growth that others don’t, engineered for its application.

Tubex Nature Ventex features all the proven Tubex tree shelter features: a twin-walled construction that minimises weight while maximising strength, excellent light transmission that accelerates growth by creating a microclimate inside the shelter, a flared top to minimise stem abrasion, pre-fitted cable ties for easy installation and maintenance, and a reinforced zip tie strip along the tube to ensure zip-ties cannot be ripped out.

In addition to that, the ventilation holes at the bottom of the tube improve growing conditions for trees in warmer environments by increasing humidity and light transmission, increasing trunk diameter and allowing the plant to survive in dry conditions.

Ventex’s design results from research conducted along the INRAE (French Institute for Research in Agriculture, Food and Environment) to optimise the growing conditions inside the shelter: temperature, ventilation, humidity, CO2 concentration, and light transmission.

The double-walled tree shelter construction offers proven 3 to 5 year durability, providing protection from animal browsing and excellent light transmission to promote growth.

It is available in 1.2m and 1.5m sizes and can be produced industrially at scale.